
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Microsoft to Redesign Iconic Windows Logotype: Rumours

Microsoft Corp.'s next-generation Windows 8 operating system will not only bring support for ARM-based microprocessors and a new user interface, but will also reportedly change the iconic logotype of Windows itself. The new Windows logo will allegedly get two-dimensional "Metro" style and will look like a set of single-color tiles.

CnBeta web-site has managed to obtain a series of screenshots that depict alleged new Windows logotype stylized for Microsoft Corp.'s new Metro style, which is a key part of Windows Phone and Windows 8 for tablets operating systems. TheVerge web-site has been able to verify the authenticity of the new design and confirmed that the new logotype will replace the legendary flag logotype of Windows.

Evolution of Windows logo: from Windows 1 to Windows 3 to Windows XP to Windows Vista to Windows 8

The alteration of the Windows logo will once again mark transformation of Windows as an operating system and a fundamental change of Microsoft's focus. What is unclear is whether the new logo in particular and Metro style in general will truly be as attractive as traditional interfaces for Windows users.

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